My own Shoden Reiki level one Blue Mountains Experience

Me and boyfriend traveled up from Melbourne to the Sydney Blue Mountains this weekend to do our Reiki level one (Shoden) with the International House of Reiki.  And my goodness…. what an experience!  We were picked up from Mt. Victoria Station by our teacher Frans Stiene, and we then drove to his lovely home on top of Mt. Tomah, 1000 meters above sea level.  They had two very cute minature horses and goats, a very elegant pig named Flora, a beautiful male peacock and some ducks and chickens.  The whole venue just added to the experience as it gave us the opportunity to learn away from the hussle and bussle of the noisey city and really tap into a natural energy.

Shoden is a Japanese word meaning ‘first teachings’.  It is the first level of teachings in the traditional Japanese branch of Reiki called Usui Reiki Ryoho.  Energy is a word that very few people can explain in all its complexities. You could read a book on it or be told all about it but it is the actual experience itself that teaches you.  A complete treatment was given and received by each participating student and many hands-on exercises were used in a group environment during Shoden this weekend.  This practical experience led to a better inner understanding of energy.



The weekend inspired me to do this drawing, it expresses the biggest thing I took away from this weekend, which is the importance of being grounded, our hara or root chakra needs to be balanced in order for us to be able to connect with everything else around us.  A tree can’t grow up to the sky unless its roots are deep and strong into the ground.

A Basic understanding of Reiki

Reiki, is a natural form of healing therapy. It is applied through non-invasive gentle touch. This form of therapy aims to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and wellbeing. 

The underlying philosophy of reiki is that if a person’s ‘life force energy’ is low, they are more likely to be unwell or stressed. If it is high, however, they are more capable of being happy and feeling well. Reiki will not cure illnesses or disease, but it may help your body to heal itself. Reiki can do no harm.

The literal translation of reiki, from the Japanese, is ‘spiritual energy’. It is also known in the West as ‘universal life force energy’, the energy found in all things.

Hands-on healing has been around for millennia and has been known in many cultures. The Usui system of reiki was developed in Japan by Mikao Usui, a Tendai Buddhist monk, at the beginning of the 20th century. It was introduced to the West in 1938 by a Japanese-American woman, Hawayo Takata.

Reiki aims to rebalance the body’s energy flow. Practitioners explain this by comparing the body’s energy to a river. Our energy should flow easily down through the body. Occasionally, a pebble, or even a rock, will fall into that river and make the flow of the water a little more difficult. These pebbles are human worries, fears and anger. Each pebble builds on top of the other. Soon there is only a trickle of water running in that once free-flowing river.  At this point, stress or physical pain may be felt. A reiki treatment aims to help the body rebalance its own energy.



The five Precepts of Reiki

Below is a blog post from the International House of Reiki.  It briefly touches on the five Reiki precepts and how through applying them it can assist one to live a more healthy and balanced life. 

Anger is generally considered a negative mind state that affects our whole being, mind, body and spirit.  A thick poisonous cloud, that may overwhelm us very quickly, or sometimes more insidiously, anger distorts our thoughts and leads us to be unable to judge situations rationally and openly.  There is a lack of equilibrium in anger, and roles of victim or perpetrator are easily formed by an angry mind.  Anger closes the heart, and alienates us not only from others but also from the better part of ourselves.  As well as effecting the mind, anger has a negative effect on the body, it is impossible to feel relaxed and balanced when angry.  Anger can thankfully be fleeting, often a few days after an argument it’s impossible to see what you were so worked up about, but the harm done to yourself and others lingers longer.  

Like anger, worry also clouds our clear thinking, and is depleting mentally and physically.  Worry will often cause a sort of paralysis, it is a stagnant, constricted state, where there is a lack of ability to make decisions in a balanced way.  Worry, and it’s close relative fear, destroy our confidence in our own abilities, close down the ability to see other possibilities, and drains our inner strength.  Worrying takes us away from life as it’s happening right now, worry is focussed on the past or the future, and saps our ability to life fully right now.  Worry and fear erode resilience, and resilience, is essential in living life more joyfully.

Humility is a quality that can be hard to find in our modern society.  To be humble is to be in a state of openness, of fluidity, to not be a self appointed authority, to have room to question ourselves, and to grow.  Humility is a state of exploration; without set views, and concrete ideas about ourselves, we can be more creative in how we live.  Arrogance, closes down possibility and growth.  

To live honestly is to see clearly your own delusions, and be open and truthful in your dealings with yourself and others. Self delusion, and deluding others, taints our relationships and closes us down.  Honesty, used with kindness, is essential in creating close relationships with others and seeing our own difficult mind states more clearly.

Compassion for oneself and others, is the scaffolding that supports all the other precepts in Usui Mikao’s teachings.  If one can be truly compassionate to oneself, and to others, it seems hard to imagine how they could be angry, worried, arrogant, and dishonest.  It is often found when practicing Reiki that people realize they haven’t been true to themselves, and their own needs, when they do something that doesn’t feel right for them, there are negative repercussions not only for themselves, but also for others.  To be compassionate is to be in a state of kindness and openness, to be able to empathise with others and treat them with dignity.  Compassion draws us together, it unifies, and opens us up the beauty of others, and ourselves.

The Reiki precepts support balance in life by giving us guidelines to live by.  By aspiring to live by the precepts you may feel you have a bit of a toolkit to work with.  If you can keep in mind the precepts and live by them, just for today, then you may find you create more an open, unanimous mind, a healthier body, and a happier more connected life




link the the international house of reiki blog: 

New experiences

I was reminiscing the other day about my first experience with Reiki,  It was a full one day introductory or refresher work shop with the International House of Reiki.  It consisted of chanting, meditating, listening to our teacher talk about his experiences and his lessons…. and at the end of the session we got to practice on someone else.

Because i was there with my boyfriend I feel I may have had a different experience to some of the other people there because I already had a connection with him, it made it that much more amazing!

It was around half an hour that we spent on each other… it began with me not really knowing what I was doing or how to start… but I tried to just let things flow… and it was incredible.  I could feel his energy and where some areas felt prickly, I felt the need to sooth them.

Now we all feel energy but on different levels and up until then I had never felt energy on such a physical level!  The center of my palms started pulsing, and I could feel it flowing really intensely out of my hands.  But what was even more amazing was that my boyfriend had his eyes shut but just I felt the pulsing through my hands, he opened his eyes in shock and was like “wow”.  He said the tension and anxiety had felt in the center of him just disappeared!

I tell you sharing that with someone I really care about and feeling that energy in such a strong physical way was the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced.   …I just want to share it with everyone!


Discovering Reiki

Reiki began with one thought, grew with a voice, then manifested with the actions of its masters.  Reiki can be tracked back to Tibet thousands of years ago, however Reiki was rediscovered in the late 1800’s.  The tradition of Reiki was an oral one and was passed on through word of mouth, from master to master, student to student…

Dr. Usui, was born on August 15 1865 in Yago Japan,  he dedicated his life to understanding how healers in our history were able to heal, he wanted to understand how the energy worked to make this happen.  Dr. Usui climbed Mount Kurama in Japan were he meditated and fasted for 21.  It is said that he experienced profound enlightenment and thus received the healing ability he called Reiki along with the knowledge and ability to teach others.

Usui states in his handbook that “Our Reiki Ryoho is something absolutely original and cannot be compared with any other [spiritual] path in the world” and “It is an original therapy, which is built upon the spiritual power of the universe”. Reiki shares similarities in content and philosophy with Chinese healing Qigong (energy development and management), Mikkyo Buddhism (symbol use), and Japanese Shintoism (spiritual philosophy). The striking dissimilarity with Qigong is the ability to learn and practice Reiki after one short class, as opposed to a lifetime of study. That is also it’s most precious gift”.



How it all started

After indicating a bit of an interest… my boyfriend got me an introduction to Reiki class for Christmas last year.  It was a full day session in Camberwell, and we were definitely the youngest ones there… but that made us feel even more privileged.

This one day session opened my eyes to a completely new way of thinking, and I felt more connected to everything than ever before!  That one day session sent me off a very exciting road and sparked an interest that inspired me to want to learn more and more about the practice of Reiki.

I created this blog as a space where I can share my experiences and findings and also use it to spread awareness about the benefits of Reiki.  
